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The lofty ideals of the school and a comprehensive education enable the students to become well-balanced person with a strong patriotic feeling, a profound social, cultural awareness and a power of global understanding.

A true product of St. Joseph's will be a young man/woman aware of his/her potential, determined to become a loving and serving person. We strive to develop the core values in the student.

  • To become spiritually oriented men and women of character.
  • To be firm on principles of honesty, truthfulness and respect.
  • To strive for leadership in school through the various school activities.

The course of the studies is planned to lead up to the Secondary School Examination, conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. The institution also engages itself in various social and charitable activities. The School offers ample opportunities and gives incentive to its students for maximum participation in various contests and events held at district, state and national levels. It has provisions for giving special coaching and guidance in the field of athletics, sports and fine arts. There is a well-equipped computer laboratory for students of Std. I to X to get familiar withcomputersandpreparethemforfacingthechallengesof the high-tech computer age. Our patron, Saint Joseph, upheld the noble virtues of justice, truth and dignity of labour. Mayhebeourguideandprotector.


For effective management, and to encourage full participation in various school activities, the School is divided into four Houses. Each House is guided by an ideal, which is further spelt in the school motto. The Houses are distinguished one from the other in the following way :

Ideal Colour Precious Stones
Truth Green Emerald
Honour Blue Sapphire
Courage Red Ruby
Beauty Yellow Diamond


Kilbil St. Joseph’s High School has a rich tradition of co-curricular activities which are meant to enable the pupils to acquire interest in many fields and thus lead to a harmonious development of physical, moral, aesthetic and intellectual life. Every student is required to participate in one or more of these activities according to their interests and aptitudes.

Literary Club

The purpose of this Club is to provide opportunities to pupils to acquire the art of public speaking, to develop a taste for and appreciation of standard English Literature, and to impart general information and news of the world enabling the students to be in close touch with current events; further by the study of great characters, past and present, to engender in students aspirations for acquiring noble ideals in life.


  • Debates
  • Lectures on outstanding characters
  • Assembly Programmes
  • World News
  • Extempore Choral recitation

Physical, Cultural & Athletic Section

The object of this Section is not only to develop a sound and healthy body but also to create right poise and grace in movements, and to enable pupils to receive proper training and useful instruction in athletics and games in order that they be better prepared to equip themselves creditably in the inter-class and inter-school competitions. The Club’s ultimate aim is to foster a true spirit of sports. The School provides facilities for Football, Cricket, Basket-Ball and Table-Tennis. Medical inspection of every student is taken and the medical report is submitted to the parents for follow-up.

Excursion Club

This Club serves the purpose of providing opportunities to enable students to acquire direct knowledge by undertaking excursions to chosen places. Short excursions relating to History, Geography, Nature Study and General information are arranged during the term, and longer tours during the Diwali vacation.