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The Association of Kilbil St.Joseph's High School Alumni is part of the worldwide congregation of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate. The movement springs from the interest and affection which binds the alumni to Kilbil and to the Ursuline Family. Through the Association, the members wish to maintain and develop the insight and inspiration received at the school of Kilbil St.Joseph's High School. Alumni belongs to the Ursuline Family by reason of a special bond forged by their being educated in an Ursuline educational centre.

Art 1: Name and Identity of Alumni Association

  • •  Kilbil St. Joseph's high school alumni are persons who being part the Institution have received a preparation for life based on the Principles of the Ursuline educational system.
  • •  The education received creates in them bonds of filial loyalty and gratitude and a readiness to witness to the values of Kilbil's Educational system as well as a capacity for service.
  • •  Kilbil St.Joseph's high school Alumni is inspired by gratitude to participate in the Ursuline educational mission in ways that are consonant with their state in life.
  • •  To take part in the Association of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school Alumni, alumnus/Alumnae have to register himself/ herself in the association and accept to abide by the rules and regulations put down by the association of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school Alumni of India.

Art 2: The Association

  • •  The Association is made up of alumni who, aware of the commitments contained in the Statutes and Regulations of the Association of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school Alumni have voluntarily organized themselves into an association of the school 'Kilbil St.joseph's high school'.
  • •  The Association is formally constituted through a decision of the school management of kilbil St.Joseph's High school.
  • •  To the Management also belongs the power to dissolve the association. However, such a step will be taken only with the understanding of the committee of past pupils. In the event of such a stop being taken, the Principal (President) appoints an ad hoc association Committee to function till the next meeting of the Annual General Assembly (AGA), which may confirm the choice of the Principal (President). The ad hoc committee will, however remain in office only till the expiry of the term to which the dissolved committee was elected.
  • •  The association pays to the School an annual affiliation fee, the quantity of which is determined by the principal.

Art 3: Aims of the Association

  • •  To abide by the rules and statutes laid down by the Parent body (Management of St.Joseph's Society of Education).
  • •  To keep in touch with, unite and animate all former beneficiaries of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school education so as to help them to preserve, develop and live the values of the school's education system.
  • •  To spread the spirit of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school and to cater to spreading 'LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE' and to involve themselves in the school's mission to the society of today.
  • •  The association pays to the School an annual affiliation fee, the quantity of which is determined by the principal.
  • •  To work towards building up a social and political order based on Justice, peace and harmony.
  • •  The Alumni Association aims at serving all former pupils, irrespective of whether they are registered or not. Every alumnus tries to keep alive the ties of fraternal friendship initiated by Kilbil St.Joseph's high school.

Art 4: Enrollment and Membership

  • •  To become a member of the association, an alumnus/an alumni should have frequented the Kilbil St.Joseph's high school for a period of time sufficient to enable him/her to know the school and assimilate the spirit of Kilbil St.Joseph's high school to some extent.
  • •  He/she has to submit a written application for membership to the association in person to the Secretary or through the Website, together with the membership subscription. If the association Committee finds the application in order, the applicant is enrolled.
  • •  There are two types of membership - Annual and life. While enrolling in an association, it is the right of the individual to choose the type of membership (Annual or Life) he/she wants; it cannot be imposed on them by the association. Life members shall receive a life membership card from the Association.
  • •  When an individual ceases to be a member of the Association through voluntary resignation or an act of dismissal by competent authority, the member also loses his/her membership/office (if any).