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Our Vision

To Facilitate the all round development of the individual through a sound spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical education based on Gospel values of Love, Truth, Justice and Peace to serve humanity.

Our Mission

To equip our students with right attitudes, creative thinking, moral and ethical values, eco-consciousness, to face the challenges of life with courage and optimism and build a just society.

Our Motto

A motto is a rule of life adopted by a family or an institute for its inspiration. It invites students to cultivate a positive attitude to life, a never failing optimism and dauntless hope, despite the circumstances of life. This encourages students to be cheerful themselves, and to spread happiness around. It requires that one look for the good in oneself and in others and that one be more ready to build than to destroy. Our motto "Let Your Light Shine" proves that 'Light is Wisdom'. Light symbolises an auspicious beginning. The light spreading out to all directions is an inspiration and a path that leads from darkness to enlightenment and purity.